What would you ask your mother?

If you could ask your mother or caregiver any question and receive an honest answer, what would it be?

Please fill out the form below with a question that you would like to ask your mother. (Ex. Do you feel forgotten? How did you handle all of the worry? etc.) You are welcome to submit more than one question.

I find it interesting that the children may recall the feeling of a dress, or a touch of the hand, more than the face of their mother at that exact time in their life. It is also the thing that I think we miss the most when we cannot hold the ones we love any more. We would give anything for one more conversation or one more hug. If we could have these conversations, what would we ask our loved ones? The titles of each of my pieces consist of questions that I wish I could ask my mother now, such as, “Do you feel forgotten?” “How did you handle all of the worry?” “Did I bring you enough joy?”. I love hearing what other people wish they could ask their mothers and caregivers. I intend to use these questions as an installation piece for future exhibitions.

